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Violet Parr
Violet Parr is the main character of the 2004 Disney/Pixar feature—length animated film The Incredibles and its 2018 sequel. She is the daughter of Bob and Helen Parr and the older sister of Dasha Parr and Jack-Jack. Violet is a teenage girl 13-14 years old. Has a slender, even fragile physique. She has long black hair, which at the beginning of the first part of the cartoon she puts on her face, hiding it, and at the end of the first part and throughout the second - removes the rim. Violet has big purple eyes, thin lips. In addition to the superhero costume, at the beginning of the first part she wore dark baggy clothes reflecting the state of her inner world. By the end of the first part and throughout the second, she began to dress in more feminine clothes in light colors, which emphasizes the internal changes of the character. Violet (Violet) Parr is the first child of Bob and Helen Parr. The older sister of brothers Dash and Jack - Jack. Has the ability to invisibility, as wel...

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