«Well i got dared to put my life story in a comment section on a porn site and and not one to turn down a dare one time i ran a 5 mile race in the rain barefoot BC in was dared to???? so my story starts sad i got tooken from my mom and put in foster care and when me ands my Lil sis got adopted our adoptive parent died in a crash i grew up with my aunt as a mom it was nice till one day i was messing around on my Nintendo now im not aloud online on my switch but SOMEHOW i got WiFi so i got some free games and on 1 i could talk to ppl i was 12 at the time i met some ppl and this one guy was 14 and he was my best friend I'll call him mark in this story he was likely the brother i never had and i looked up to him he was always there for me and i met this 1 girl ima call her lizzie so dated her and before any1 says it none of these ppl were 40 year old men anyway we were so close at the time the i was beyond happy i loved my life till one night i was talking to Lizzie and i lost WiFi i went to reconnect it but disconected the WiFi password and i lost every single friend i met i was at a new school and don't have any friends there they were all gone i felt depressed like a part of me was missing i was broken that made me realize to cherish the ones you love because you don't know how long you they will be by your side i cry every time i tell or think of this story but who to say this shit im just some dumbass depresed 13 year old without a life ...????dont listen to what i say if anyone cares enough to read this bullshit»
Here you can undress a Girl and see her Nаkеd) Please check it out ➤ https://ja.cat/nugaz
«Well i got dared to put my life story in a comment section on a porn site and and not one to turn down a dare one time i ran a 5 mile race in the rain barefoot BC in was dared to???? so my story starts sad i got tooken from my mom and put in foster care and when me ands my Lil sis got adopted our adoptive parent died in a crash i grew up with my aunt as a mom it was nice till one day i was messing around on my Nintendo now im not aloud online on my switch but SOMEHOW i got WiFi so i got some free games and on 1 i could talk to ppl i was 12 at the time i met some ppl and this one guy was 14 and he was my best friend I'll call him mark in this story he was likely the brother i never had and i looked up to him he was always there for me and i met this 1 girl ima call her lizzie so dated her and before any1 says it none of these ppl were 40 year old men anyway we were so close at the time the i was beyond happy i loved my life till one night i was talking to Lizzie and i lost WiFi i went to reconnect it but disconected the WiFi password and i lost every single friend i met i was at a new school and don't have any friends there they were all gone i felt depressed like a part of me was missing i was broken that made me realize to cherish the ones you love because you don't know how long you they will be by your side i cry every time i tell or think of this story but who to say this shit im just some dumbass depresed 13 year old without a life ...????dont listen to what i say if anyone cares enough to read this bullshit»